Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Eco idea: Organising your belts.

For the life of me, I hate organising belts.  They're long, cumbersome, and the leather ones are simply untameable!  If you hang them over a rack, they'll slid off menacingly especially when you're not looking.  And if you roll em' up, they will not stay put for even one second :S Honestly... now that we're talking about this, how do you organise your belts?  I think it's quite easy for guys cause guys normally have two belts; the formal one and the informal one.  There, done deal.  Who cares where they get hung right?  But girls are different (obviously) so yea, tell me how do you organise your belts?

I've had enough of them.  So here's what I did.  I recycled some of the really loose hairbands that I have, and some realllllly cute pins and clips that I no longer use to hold them in a tight roll.  And this is what they look like now:

For really flimsy 'cloth' type kind of belts, I folded them and secured with hairpins that I no longer wear.  They're reaaaaaaally small and cute so their 'teeth' are quite harmless to fabric.  But be careful if you're using a 'tighter' sort of hair clip cause it may leave marks or worse, damage your precious fabric :S

And then there're the less delicate sort of belts but if you unroll them, they go unruly all over, which frankly irritates the daylight out of me.  So I secure them with these little cute rubber bands which I don't use but never had the heart to throw them out.

It's really quite easy to secure them.  Don't tie them if you don't want them to crease your belt cause tying can be a little tight.  All you really wanna do is to hold the foldings together to make sure it doesn't run wild and free.

And the mothers of ALL irritating belts are the leather ones.  Try rolling one up or hanging one on the rack and you'll know what I mean.  So, what I did was to roll them up and right at the tail end, tied it with a loose hairband.

Like this and tada!  No more unruly belts!

So whenever you don't use something, don't throw them out on your first instinct.  Sometimes, they may come a lot more handy than you'd imagine them to be :) I hope this gave you some idea on what you can do to:

1) Reuse hair pins and hairbands
2) Tame these 'snaky' little things

And a very happy day to you too! 

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